An 8:30 start this morning, which was nice. No messing about and we were off for breakfast and then straight to the Pier to hop on a boat. Not your normal boat, a wooden, rather unbalanced boat haha. Today we were going on a snorkelling boat trip. So all aboard and we were off. After around 30 to 40 minutes of nearly falling out the boat we arrived at our first snorkelling spot. All they said was to mind out for the sea urchins. That's cool, there won't be many we thought. Jumped in with the GoPro (Camera that goes underwater) and off we went in hunt for sea creatures. We were wrong. There were millions of sea urchins. Not just at the bottom of the bed, but inches away from the surface. It was like minesweeper trying to dodge in between the spiky things. They were really cool though. Kept swimming about and found many different cool fish and then jumped back on board. Another 15 minutes sailing round these beautiful islands and we made it to our lunch destination. We all hoped off onto this awesome island where we were to have our BBQ lunch on the beach. After a little swim and sun bath, lunch was ready! Never thought I'd sit on a secluded Cambodian island eating a BBQ. After the food had settled, beach volleyball was up next. With the first 15 minutes being very unsuccessful, we eventually got the hang of it and got some rally's going. The sun was hot today, so we applied all the cream we could. But sometimes we just had to get in the water to cool us down. Arhhhhhh. Back on the boat and to our final snorkelling spot. Jumped in and off we went again. This time we saw some clown fish or Nemos as we like to call them. We tried getting some cool pictures with the GoPro and then back on the boat to head to mainland. The heat really does tire you out, which was evident on the way back as most fellow sailers were nodding off. Back on mainland after an awesome trip of snorkelling, eating, playing and swimming. Later that evening we all went out for dinner whereby another beach BBQ was in order for myself. Mixed seafood! Delicious!!! Tired and ready for bed we wondered back. In the room Laura questioned me, Matt is my back red?... Well I can't describe this in any other way, but it looked like Laura was wearing a white top because the rest of her back was so red. It was lobster red! After sun applied and off to bed!