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Stormy storm

BANG, CRASH, CRACKLE, BOOM! 1am and we were woken by the biggest and loudest thunderstorm I have ever witnessed. It was crazy. I can't explain how loud it was. It was incredible, the lightening blinded you and the thunder deafened you. A very effective alarm. After a few more hours sleep we were up and ready for a tour of the city. Our first destination was the biggest Buddhist/Chinese temple in the world. The statue of the Buddha was giant. After paying our respect in the temple and working out all our Chinese animals we headed onto the Botanical Gardens which were home to many Long-tailed Mackay monkeys. They were cheeky ones as well, very tame and not afraid to come and ask for some of your food. Our guide started feeding them and they would come right up to his hand and take the bread. It was awesome, got to love a good monkey. Strolled around the rest of the gardens which were full of different plant species and some in controlled conditions inside cages and greenhouses. Onto coffee and chocolate tasting. Definitely a group favourite. We tried many different flavours of coffee ranging from Banana coffee to Durian fruit coffee. Some were okay, whereas others were not to my pallet.... We then arrived at the docks and the clan jetties. These were jetties full of houses which were occupied by families and local people. These jetties stretched around 500 metres into the sea and had everything from restaurants to temples. Lunch was consumed and then we walked around the area to admire the street art. George Town is famous for its street art, with more art being create today. A good full day to explore the city. Back to the hotel with some dinner and off to bed. Cameron highlands is our next destination. See yah!

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