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New Years Eve

Today's the day. The day were over 1.5 million people gather around Sydneys harbour edge to watch the amazing firework display to celebrate the new year. The place was crazy busy. People camp overnight in order to get front row positions. Luckily Nicole's friend Laura had family who lives in Brisbane and they made an early trip to Sydney and got us some good front seats at 10:30. Laura and I headed down after we had met with Tommy K, from our other tour. So we had all reunited for NYE in Sydney. We arrived with the others at 2:00pm so had a 10 hour wait. Oh it was worth it! The time came round and it was a huge countdown. 5..4..3..2..1..Happy New Year!!!! The fireworks went on for 12 minutes and it was breathtaking. Still crazy to think we were here for NYE! It's was nuts. Headed out afterwards for a couple of drinks and then to bed ready for our tour tomorrow. A huge highlight! With great friends, in a great city with the best fireworks. Happy New Year!

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